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Book a Court Installation Update

The Doutta Galla Tennis Club has been preparing to install the new gate access system, which is linked with Tennis Australia’s online court booking software ‘Book a Court’. This has
now occurred. The online system will be the new way for members and casual players to book courts at the club.

To be able to book, you will need to register with Book a Court. Over the next week or so you will receive an invitation to register via email.

Please ensure you register using the link in the invitation as this is how the system will recognise you as a member and ensure you can access the lights and receive the members price for using the lights as per normal.

Booking the courts will be essential for members and a new process none of us are used too! However, doing so will ensure that especially at night you don’t turn up and have a clash with another booking if you haven’t done so! Booking a court during the day must be done as well.

Booking a court for use with lights at night time now means that instead of leaving money you simply pay online. Day time bookings ensure that you have reserved the court only and do not need to pay anything as per normal.

Members can still use keys to enter through front door the only difference is for use of the lights; the PIN you receive must be entered into the keypad at the gate to activate the lights. You will receive this PIN via text message.

In the meantime, you can access the club as per normal and the lights key will be inside the old switchboard. The lights can be accessed by turning the appropriate court to manual on the board. Please replace the key into old switchboard box once done. Once the system goes LIVE the court switches will be placed in automatic mode.

If you have any issues please contact Aaron on 0407 885 012.