Dear Members,
It has come to the attention of the committee in the past months that many members have not been paying for the use of lights when they have used them. We will remind everyone that it is $10 per hour per court.
This is a form of stealing and will not be tolerated any longer.
In addition we would like to remind our members of the rules of having visitors playing at our courts. They must be supervised by a member at all times and should not be left alone at all. Furthermore, a visitors fee is needed to be paid upon arrival. Juniors are $1 each and Adults are $3.
We would like to emphasise the low price for visitors. It is not a great deal of money and it is expected of our members to be honest enough to pay for the use of the courts.
Please note members, the above mentioned topics will no longer be tolerated by any member. The committee does not want to change the honour system we have in place now and have had for many years, however if this trend continues stronger consequences will be enforced.
For repeat offenders, a possible termination of membership will occur.
Help the club who continues to provide you with fantastic facilities and a great atmosphere.
Aaron Sharpe
President Doutta Galla Tennis Club